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The Stadt.Teil.Raum was planned by the Waller Mitte housing projects. The idea is to offer space for the neighborhood and the district in addition to the communal housing projects. The rooms are self-organized and are supposed to be accessible at a low threshold and everyone is invited to contribute. The focus is on promoting climate justice, sustainability and social and cooperative coexistence. So far, there are open wood and bicycle workshops and a foyer as a space for information and exchange. A repair café and a cargo bike rental service are also planned.

On our website you can read the latest news about us, our opening hours, workshops and other offers, browse through our program, find out how you can become active with us or support us with donations, sign up for the newsletter and much more.

Contact us

If you have any questions, ideas or suggestions, please send us an email to or contact us via social media.

Our Values

The Stadt.Teil.Raum should be a welcoming and supportive place for all people. We want to live up to this claim through constant discussion, rules of conduct and an awareness concept, as well as openness to criticism. People who deliberately devalue or exclude others are not welcome in the Stadt.Teil.Raum.

The Stadt.Teil.Raum is a place for sustainability and climate justice, in which a conscious and sustainable use of resources is to be promoted and climate protection can be lived in everyday life. Climate justice means that the climate catastrophe and the fight against it cannot only be viewed in scientific terms, but must also be linked to social, global and intergenerational justice, among other things. The commitment to sustainability and climate justice includes a fundamental critique of exploitative and destructive conditions.

The Stadt.Teil.Raum is a place for social interaction in which knowledge is shared and people are empowered. We are not service providers where something is handed in and then repaired by us. Instead, we want to find out together what is broken or what the desired project is and then use our shared knowledge to achieve the goal.

Stadt.Teil.Raum is self-organized and democratic. The opening hours, workshops and events are organized by the active members of the district. The two full-time staff members are employed to deal with the bureaucratic requirements, to support self-organization and to guide and help with the use of tools. Decisions are made jointly and, where possible, where they arise. The majority of decisions can therefore be made in the respective working groups (bicycle and wood workshop, repair café, foyer, etc.) or in the monthly plenaries.

Stadt.Teil.Raum is a neighbourhood project. On the one hand, we want to bring new ideas into the district and promote political participation, but we are also open to the needs and ideas that exist in the district. We therefore find it important to network.

This self-image is intended to provide an initial orientation as to which values are important to us in Stadt.Teil.Raum. It is not a set of rules carved in stone, but open to discussion and change. If you have any questions, please get in touch.

La información más importante sobre Stadt.Teil.Raum en español

أهم المعلومات عن Stadt.Teil.Raum باللغة العربية

Stadt.Teil.Raum hakkında Türkçe en önemli bilgiler

Les informations les plus importantes sur le Stadt.Teil.Raum en français

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Самая важная информация о Stadt.Teil.Raum на русском языке